Here he is clowning around in front of one of his cartoons.
Cartoonists in attendance were Jeff, myself, Dana Summers, and Doug Mac Gregor. Here's a group shot (red-eyed devils one and all!).
Jeff did a hell of a job putting this together, and from the turnout it looks like it's going to be a pretty successful show.
Also, on the ride home, I got an email informing me that I'd won a Florida Press Club award this year. They combined circulation Classes C & D, which put me in competition with larger papers, so that's kinda cool.
Also, today, I found out that one of my illustrations is going to be displayed on Berlin's subway system, 40 times a day on 4000 video screens. That makes for A LOT of sets of eyes seeing my work in Germany. And As I like to say, "Germans Love David Hasselhoff, but they REALLY love Ed Hall!"
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