Here's another one. I did this one straight into Painter IX.5, sketch and all. I'm starting to get more acclimated to working on the computer now. It took me quite a while to switch from hand drawn architectural plans to AutoCad, so it's not surprising that it's taken me so long. Painter seems to afford more detail in the brush strokes than Photoshop. You can set up a palette and save it. Save your brushes too. It's pretty cool. I found my copy over the Holidays from a cut rate online outfit, and no problems so far.
Anyway, I hope it's worth the effort. Happy Weekend! -Ed
When do you do the one where he's having gay sex and smoking crack in a limo?
anonymous said:
"When do you do the one where he's having gay sex and smoking crack in a limo?"
About the same time people start reporting the truth and not innuendo and partisan drivel.
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