Monday, September 22, 2008

Sunday's Drawings

I'm a little late getting these posted today. The Washington Post needed something quickly, and I don't make the Washington Post wait. Anyway, here are my sketches from Sunday; starting with some gesture drawings and finishing up with some longer poses. I'm experimenting now with my point of view when drawing these. I stood on a stool (over the model - looking down) to draw this time. I wanted to get a dramatic/dynamic perspective, so I went with the bird's-eye view. I think that this first gesture drawing is the best drawing I did all day. It captured the model's personality and vitality.

I also like this last reclining pose. I tried to funnel the viewer's eye upwards and through the picture plane, in a kind of inverted triangle. I was also able to capture the mood and lighting effects in the room with my value range.

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